The central role of training
On Saturday 10 October, the “Stati Generali dell’Educazione” (General States of Education) was held at Palazzo Ducale in Genoa (and streamed live on the Municipality’s YouTube channel). This initiative was conceived and organised by Genoa City Council – the Family Agency and the Department of Social, Health, Family and Rights Policies. “Ripartire dalle Relazioni” was the title of the event, precisely to underline the importance of an economy that focuses on people and their relationships, training and schools for the growth of young people and the development of the territory.
Cristina Santagata also took part in the round table dedicated to economy and sustainable development, representing Santagata 1907 – a historic company in the Ligurian territory and a family business that has always made culture and training one of the strategic development factors not only for the company but also and above all for the territory in which it operates.
Cristina Santagata spoke, underlining the importance of study and training. “Continuous and, increasingly, wide-ranging learning is fundamental throughout our lives, both at school and in the workplace, in order to respond to the needs of a constantly changing world and of companies that increasingly need varied and transversal skills”. Cristina Santagata then dwelt on the activities that the company carries out with schools in support of a correct food culture.