No Waste
Our company has joined the NO.W! (No Waste) project, conceived and implemented by ThinkAbout, which – thanks to the contribution of producers, companies and workers – makes it possible to enhance the value of good food that would otherwise be disposed of because it is surplus, or has aesthetic defects in the packaging or product, or has a short shelf life.
In practice, every week, producers communicate food that is still good (but condemned to waste) to ThinkAbout, which updates the platform and makes it available at discounted prices to workers who log on. When ThinkAbout receives orders, it organises delivery to the company or directly to the home.
Santagata1907 has decided to join both by providing products not suitable for sale to the final consumer and by making the platform available to its employees. Halving food waste is one of the UN World Food Programme’s Global Goals 2030. Our participation in the project is a responsible and concrete step towards this important goal.