Evo Oil: more than food

Evo Oil: more than food

What topics are usually associated with the consumption of extra virgin olive oil? Obviously the olive oil appears in thousands of recipes that are communicated and re-launched via web all over the world but, if we analyze comments about culinary suggestions or news about extra-virgin oil, we have some surprises.

From the analysis of about 7,000 articles and messages about EVO oil, the more suggested concept is related to health and healthy food (43.7%), followed by the association with organic products (20.9%), with beauty and cosmetics (18.2%), then the reference to the Mediterranean diet (11.4%) and, significantly, connections to vegan diet (5.8%). Comments on health are on the rise, a tweet of May 8 summarizes many messages “Good news for all of us lovers of Extra Virgin Olive Oil: according to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) Extra Virgin Olive Oil is so good for health to be considered a medicine ”.

(data analysis by Words/Monitoring Emotion)

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